Fond without folly, Spir'tous without rage; And as in Youth, may seem the same in age. Ye Pow'rs above! if such a woman be, (Such cou'd ye make ) that Woman give to me: She as a Wife must please, and she alone; O give me such a Wife —– or give me none. 27th. The Wind W. N. W, very cold all the Morning, and untill 4 in the Evening, from that time out calm & warm, my people all this Day opening ditches at Brynclynnu —– betwixt me & Tyddŷn Mieri, & Tyddŷn y Weyn. |
28th. The Wind S.S.W. calm & fine in the Morning, blew a high fresh Gale from 9 till Night. to Day I begin to make my Meadow <hay> into Stacks. about 6 it begun to rain, & rained very hard till far in the Night, if not allnight. |
29th. The Wind W.S.W. fair & clear, but windy & scorching all day, my people all this day opening of ditches. |
30th. ❍1⎮ [this is written in the margin between '30th.' and '3ist.' sw) The Wind S. S. W. dark cloudy weather, & blowing fresh all day, yet made but little rain, my people still opening of ditches. pd [I sw][capital 'i' sw]. Bulkeley, the Lady B.'s Steward 5s. chief Rent for Tyddyn y Rhôs due at Michaelmas last. |
3ist. The Wind W.S.W. clear & fair most part of the day, but it made a very great heavy Shower on the break of day, and another about 2 in the Evening, to morrow being – Aberffraw Fair, I Sent ii of my Oxen by Wm. Davies to Day to Henblas to be near the fair this Night . The Parson preached to day on Colloss. Chap. 3d. vers. 2d. |
August ist. The Wind W.N.W. Dark, cold, & cloudy all the Morning, the Evening clear, but cold & Windy. Aberffraw Fair (which should have been yesterday, had it not been a Sunday ) proved pretty good, & a great number bought, but at no great rates, the greatest being 12L. a pair, I sold 7 Oxen there, for 5L 10s. a Beast . must Send them to Porthaethwy next Fryday. |