October 2d. The Wind N.E. blowing fresh & very cold, to day I begun to sow wheat <at Bodelwyn> in ye field at ye N.E. of ye Barn soft. my other Servants employed in grubbing & carrying Gors home for the Winter, gave a poor old Man 1d. for Charity, rained a great shower this night. |
3d. The Wind E.N.E. Temperate & mild, my Servants employed in the same work as yesterday, pd. Hugh Price of Beaumares for Lewis Trysclwyn theremainder of the 47L. 16s. yt was unpd. being 22s. & Signed the Bond & Judgment before Mentioned. |
4t. The Wind S.E. Calm & temperate, the Horse Jockeys that went to Chester Fair came home yesterday, most of them sold all, the Rest sold most, but no great rates, my people at ye Same work, have finished soweing Wheat this Evening. [v sw]ery great lights in the Sky this & last Night, as they have been indeed very comon [there is a line above the 'm' sw] this Twenty years last past, tho unknown in Great Brittain before that time, they generally foreshow a great deal of rain & Stormy weather. |
2● [this is written vertically immediately above '5th' sw] 5th The Wind S.E. very calm & temperate, the sky very red in the Morning to ye East, which suddenly fell down to the Horrizon, which the Countrey people say foreshews rain. all the rest of the day was fair & warm. |
6th. The Wind S.E. calm & fair, but cloudy, my people employed in grubbing, carrying & makeing of Gorse into Stacks – |
7th. The Wind S.E. fair & calm in the Morning rained very hard in the Evening & Some rain in the Night. |
8th. The Wind E.S.E a dry fair day, but rained in ye Night pd. at Wm. Mathew's house at a Sitting these 3 last days 6s |
9th. The Wind E.S.E. a fair dry day, my people at ye same work this week as the last, but some of them carrying stone |
10th. The Wind W.N.W. hazy rainy weather all ye Morning, about 10 D.Wms. of Bodelwyn, John Bulkeley of Gronant my self & [man sw] set out for the Head in our way to Dublin. |