Octr.10th. we arrived at H– head by 2 in ye Evening, drank very hard this night & till 2 in the Morning – |
11th. The Wind N.W. cold, raw & rainy in the Morning, when the Wind Settled at N.E very sick all this day after last night's debauch, pd. Mr. Wm. Vickers Bill 13s. 6d, gave 1s. in the house 2s. in ye Custom house & 2s to the Kings boat. about 5 in the Evening the Wyndham Pacquet Boat set sail.– came to Anchor in Dublin Bay at 6 in the Morning |
12th. The Wind N.W. cold & raw, pd 10s. 6d for my Passage; tothe Cabbin boy 6d. 1s. to the Pacquet Wherry. 6d at ye Watch[house sw] came to lodging ∎to George's Quay abt. 8 in ye Morning |
13th. The Wind E.S.E a drizly rainy Morning, the Evening fair. pd. at this lodging 7s. 3d. pd 1s. for ale, came this night to my Lodging in L[a sw]ngford Street [there isn't a road called Langford in Dublin now, but there is a Longford Street; transcriptions of parts of the WB diary in the journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland in 1899 gives 'Longford' here sw] at Mr. Burton a Grocer's house pd 6d1/2/ to ye barber, agreed with a Barber there to shave me thrice a week & dress my Wig for 12d a week_ |
14th. The Wind S.E. a dirty rainy day from Morn to night Eng. [this is written in the margin, opposite this line sw] pd Da. Wms. 31s. & 6d. pd. 1d[? sw] for Pig tail tobacco. put the 2 Watches, My Daughter's & my own to Mr. Fowcet ye Watch –maker on Essex Bridge to mend. |
15th The Wind S.S.E. very calm, dull & cloudy weather with some mizling rain breakfasted today at my Landlords, went to ye Market at Thomas Street, a great deal of Cornofall sorts, & something high, returned to Corn Market Street bought there a piece of Cloathe for 32s Irish Value, came from there to a dirty Eating house where I pd 3d2/1 ∎ [e sw]at a little bread onely pd afterwards 6d for ale, drank again with Mr. Wm. Parry & Mr. Rowlands 6d. & so went to bed __ |