July 24th. The Wind W. in the morning blowing moderate & gen[er sw]ally Sun Shiny & fair, came to S. W. about noon & the Evening was cloudy & dark yet it continued dry all this day : The Curate Priest preached on i: Thess: Chap. 5th. & verse i7th. |
25th. The Wind S. S.W. blowing fresh, especially in the Evening, but dry all day & Sun Shiny in the morning, but cloudy & dark all the Evening. |
26th. The Wind S. S. W. blowing high all this day, some Sun shîne__ in the morning, but all the Evening dark & cloudy & threatning rain, but made none during the day : Paid 27s. for Ruffles and a Handerchief that Ann Wright had engaged Miss Owen to send her from London unknown to me· |
27th. The Wind S. blowing moderate and generally Sun shiny &dry– all this day: Paid 7s. for a small fleetch of Bacon of 24 Pd. weight at 3d.2/1 a pound· |
28th. The Wind W. & by S. in the morning, pretty calm &generally Sun Shiny & warm all day; the wind came to E. about 3 in the Evening, grew cloudy & overcast & made a smart but small shower about 7 in the Evening: I had to day about 80 women at work, some spinning, some carding and some winding of the yarn designed by help of God to make cloath for the poor people of this parish & some perhaps of Llanbadrick: there being 4i wheels & the rest Carders & winders· |
29th. The Wind E. blowing very moderate, and cloudy dark weather with frequent but small showers of rain morning & Evening: Pd. Rhŷs Bentir 4s 2d.for Butcher's meat· |
30th. ❍12 [this is written vertically in the margin below '30th.' sw] A great Ecclips of the moon · [this is written in the margin below the phase of the moon sw] The Wind E. N.E. blowing very moderate, cloudy and dark weather all the morning attended with some showers of rain; but the – Evening was Sun Shiny , fair and clear & very hot: My Men Servants all this week when the weather served were harvest – ing the hay & at other times were opening wet ditches & harrow- –ing the Pinfold at Coydan . pd. Owen ’ Bwiliam Owen the Joiner 3s. for working at 8d. a day,& 2d. his Prentice. |
3ist. The Wind E. N. E. calm, Sun shiny fair & pleasant for the most part in the morning, the Cocking was altogether dark & cloudy, The Curate Priest preached on i: Cor: Chap: iith. and the 23, 24, & 25th. verses. |