September 6th. The Wind S. blowing high, Sun Shiny and dry all this day also: To Day I carried in my Wheat & Pease. |
7th i ❍ [this is written vertically in the margin below '7th' sw] The Wind W. blowing fresh, was generally Sun Shiny and drying well all this day likewise: Paid 3d. for Herrings, and paid Marged uch Huw Morus 3s. for two quarters of Mutton that weighed i9 pound & 4/3. |
8th. The Wind W.N. W. pretty calm & for the most part cloudy & dark,but made no rain here this day: My people had very little interuption this — week in the harvest work. |
9th. The Wind variable & unfixed all this day: about 3 in the Evening it begun to thunder, and continued all the Evening & a great part of the night to – Thunder and lightning and made one pretty great shower of rain, and not much more afterwards. |
i0th. The Wind S. blowing pretty fresh & generally clear, sun shiny & drying well till near 2 in the Evening when it grew cloudy & overcast; |
iith. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, cloudy weather in the morning, and all the Evening was a moist rusty fog , but made no rain all this day: To Day I brought in the last of my Corn: haveing carryed into Coydan Barn 352 shocks of Barley: 62 shocks of Rye & 80 shocks of Small Oats: & made a stack of Black great Oats out of Doors at the Barn's end containing 23i shocks: made one stack of Barley at home containing 200 shocks, and another containing i12 shocks: made at home a stack of White Oats – containing 272 shocks: a small stack of Black Oats containing – 88 shocks, and a Small Stack of Red Wheat containing 42 shocks — besides a pretty large stack of Gray Pease & Vetches; 6 shocks of Spring Wheat, 3 shocks of Horse Beans & 3 loads of White Pease· |
i2th. The Wind S. blowing pretty fresh; generally dark & cloudy weather, but – continued dry all day: Paid into the hands of Mr. Wm. Callen Officer of Excise 5s. Duty upon plate· |
i3th. The Wind S. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark weather all day,and rained very hard about 4 in the Evening & made some Showers afterwards. |
i4th. The Wind W. blowing fresh & cold in the morning; the Evening was warmer & day all this day: Paid Marged ’chuw Morus 3s.6d. for a Side of Mutton & 7d. for a quarter of a young Goat: & pd. 4d. for fish. |
i5th. The Wind W. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark weather, yet dry all this day also Pd. the Widdow of Wm. Prichd. weaver i0s. 6d. for working 30 yards of Cloath, & 22 yards of Blankets, all at 2d. a yard . |