16th. The Wind N.E. very cold & scorching, Paid for meat & drink at my lodging<1s>. this Sessions very bare of buisness- no Tryall but that of One Joseph Davies a Cheshire – man, who was Master of a Cruiser in this station, for killing one of his comrades in Holy-head Bay, by a blow on the head with a Hand'spike, all the Custom– house officers of severall Counties attended & sollicited for him to save him, but the Jury brought him in guilty of Murder, the Comissioners [there is a line over the 'm' sw] of the Customs discharged severall of the crew belonging to the Said Cruiser, where the Murder happened, because they gave Evidence against him, tho it was pretended to be done because they were on shore that Night when the Murder happened, however they petitioned the Judge to respite Execution, & had prepared another long Petition to present the King & Counsell in his behalf for a Pardon, but whether any of the Gentlemen in Town signed it or no I can't tell, but I absolutely refused. went in the Evening with Cos. Morgan to the Bull, where we found Mr. Rowlands of Caera Mr. Owen Presaddved, Mr. Owen of Penrhose, Mr. Jones of Plâs Gwyn and Severall others. with whom I staid till 11 the next Morning [be sw]ing so cut, that I was forced to be helped to my Lodging, pd there 6s. |