Aprill 12th Vulcanus Deceptus Viderat Ignipotens sacratâ in sede repostos Sponsamque Augustam, Semideumque Virum: Retia, ferte, inquit, non/acri impune licebit Marti iterum Thalamos contemerare meos. At tu parce sacros violare, His pronuba Juno Præsidet, & sanxit Jupiter ipse Toros: Non Geticus Mars hic, Venus aut tua, Mulciber, illa; Et tamen hic Mars est, et tamen illa Venus – |
13. The Wind at South what there was of it, very still & warm in the morning and dark cloudy weather, it rained a misling rain about 8 a clock, very fair all ye rest of the Day. this day being Easter Eve there was a collection for the poor of the parish after the – Sacrament, 4s. collected, about 60 comunicated this Day, I gave a Shilling to the Collection. Paid Hugh Jones alias Moyle 18d of his wages. the Parson Cathechised this Evening. a great dew last night – |
14. Easter Day A fair sun-shining Day all th[is sw] day long. the Wind due East. & pretty Cold in the Evening. & scorching all day, the Morning service began at 9 clock was over a quarter before 12, about 170 communicants this day, & I do remember severall Easter Days. within 20 years last past where on Easter day the Number of Comunicants some Easter days onely – (besides ye comunicants at Easter Eve) were 260, sometimes 240 but never less that 220 till within this 7 or 8 years since which a great Mortality destroyed almost half the parish. the parson preached in the Evening upon Gen: 22d. v.7.&8. the Church was very full, & the Parson recom-mended a Collection for the poor, & 4d.2/1 [Nesta Evans has 4d½ sw] was accordingly collected in all the Church [this seems a small amount for the whole congregation sw]. Went after Evening prayer in company with the Parson & 14 or 15 more of the parishioners to Drink ye Saxton Roger Hughes's ale at Neuadd filwr, I spent my 6d. a very great dew this morning – |
15. The wind still Easterly & not so high as yestarday, a great dew this morning – to day in the church yard the parson named Henry Jones of Bwlch Church-Warden for the year ensueing, a great Match of running was made (but not performed) betwixt Owen Prichard |