November 5th. The Wind S. S. W. very calm, cloudy dark weather all day except a little Sun Shine about 10 for a quarter of an hour, all ye Evening and most part of the night was rainy: The Priest preached on - on i. Cor. Chap. iith. 23d. 24 & 25th. verses . An Excellent Sermon in defence of Transubstantiation: And tho this day was appointed to return God thanks for delivering this Nation from Popery, yet for from takeing this opportunity to expatiate upon that deliverence, this Priest very absurdly if not prophanely gives the preferences to, & makes the Wine turned into blood by the Priest in the Sacrament to be a greater miracle than that the Water was turned into Wine by our Saviour. To Day I enter into the 59 year of my Age : May the Mercifull God give me his Grace & protection & del^i^ver me from all Evil. Pd. 2s. 6d. for two hind quarters of Goat. |
6th. The Wind W. was in the North in the morning, very fair Sun shiny & pleasant all day, but made some rain in the night. |
7th. The Wind S. S. W. blowing fresh, & made from 2 or 3 in the morning till 6 or 7 the greatest rain as ever I remember to have seen, so that all the low grounds Were in a manner all covered, & tho the rest of the day was dry, the night was prodigious stormy attended with very excessive rains almost all night· |
8th. The Wind S. very calm, dark & cloudy attended with frequent showers of mizling rain especially in the Evening & most part of the night: Pd. 13d. for a quarter of Mutton . |
9th. The Wind N. blowing moderate, & not cold with some showers of rain this day also: To Day I begun a new to plow with Oxen after I had disused themforabove 20 years· pd 2s. for 10 pound weight of raw hemp. |
10th. The Wind E. & by N. blowing moderate, but cold & sharp, yet continued dry all day: pd. 13d. for a quarter of mutton. |
iith. The Wind E. blowing very moderate, cloudy & dark, yet continued dry, but was cold all day, especially in the Evening: Allowed Wm. Prichd. Sion 4s. 6d. land tax. |
12th. The Wind E. very calm, in the morning, but in the Evening it blew fresh & cold, yet continued dry all day: & was generally cloudy and dark· |