August 8th. The Wind W. & by N. calm, & often Sun- shiny & fair and dry all day: Finished to day carrying in all my upland hay: Paid Rhys Bentir 3d. for Butcher's meat. |
9th. The Wind W. & by N. calm, cloudy & dark all day, with some little rain; yet my people all this day rakeing hay. |
i0th. The Wind W. N. W. calm, and for the most part Sun shiny, fair& warm & dry all day: The Priest preached on Eph: Chap: 2d. and verse i0th. |
iith. The Wind W.N.W. very calm, warm & even Sultry and Sun Shiny and dry all day ; Pd. Wm. Bevan 8s. more for- labouring work, & pd. Mary Wms. the Dairy Maid is. [1/- sw] in part of her wages, & pd. John Prichd. Samuel 2s. 8d. for a pair of Pumps for Anna Wright. Sold today at Aberffraw Fair 8 Oxen for i4L. 3s. 6d. a pair · |
i2th. The Wind E. calm, Sun shiny fair & very Sultry all the morning about 4 in the Evening it grew cloudy & continued so the rest of the day pd. i5d. for fish. |
i3th. The Wind N.E. very calm, and Sultry, tho generally it was cloudy & dark, but made no rain all this day· |
i4th. The Wind N. calm with some sun shine ,but for the mostpart cloudy & dark, yet it continued dry. |
i5th. The Wind W. blowing pritty fresh with some rain this day, Pd. Rhŷs Bentir 2s. 4d. for Butcher's meat, & gave 6d. to a boy that brought me a present of a piece of Beef from Rydgroes. |
i6th. The Wind S. W· blowing fresh with some showers of rain, and the wind very high in the Evening & night: Paid Andrew Mc. Harrow i9s. 6d. for things Anne Wright bought of him· |