June 8th. The Wind S.W. and moderate, Sun shiny and fair generally all day, yet not warm at all for the time of the year lent my Mother 5s. |
9th. The Wind N. very calm, Sun shiny clear & very warm all day: LLanerchmedd Fair to day was but poor, & very few cattle in it, & those but lean, & few bought: had an account To Day from the Fair that John LLoyd the Irish man of Hir -drefaig went to LLeyn, and with an unparallelled Outrage and impudence wor[k sw]ed out my Mother 's Tenants that would not return to him, persuaded others of them by threatenings & the fright he put them in to return his Tenants, & received much of Rents: God look upon the distressed & afflicted & avenge their cause upon Tyrants & oppressours. |
10th. The Wind E. very calm & generally cloudy & overcast with some little rain about 3 in the Evening; and all the day exceeding hot and Sultry: pd. 2d. for soft Soap. |
iith. The Wind S.W. blowing high and very Sultry, & generally clear & Sun shiny in the morning; the Evening was cloudy & overcast — My people all this week were plowing the Pinfold at Cnewchdernog. Pd. Robert Jones 40s. of his wages, and pd. Thomas the slater 1s. in part of what he is to have for pointing these houses which he is now about. |
12th. The Wind S.W. very calm and sultry; some sun shine in ye morning but the Evening generally cloudy and overcast, some rain about noon & about 3 in the Evening. gave Jane Owen 2s. to give for Nancy Wright at her Old Maid Margaret Jones's wedding to day. |
13th. The Wind S. S. W. blowing fresh, Sun shiny & very Sultry & hot all day, but the Evening was generally dark and cloudy · |
14th. ● [this is written vertically immediately below '14th.'; it is unclear whether the hour was originally included because the moon symbol is smudged sw] The Wind S. blowing high with a mizling rain in ye morning &frequently in the Evening, and especially on the fall of night and all the day cloudy and dark, Lent my Mother five pounds to pay Shop Bills &c. Bangor Fair to day was very good. |
15th. The Wind S. blowing fresh & raining very hard about 5 in the morning; the rest of the day cloudy & dark but generally without rain; Pd. [? sw]2s for Iron. |
16th. The Wind W. very moderate, Sun shiny and fair all day, To Day – my people finished plowing the Pinfolds at Cnewchdernog,haveing been diverted 2 days from that work by assisting to bleed the Cattle & gelding the Colts. |
17th. The Wind N. W. calm, Sun Shiny fair and warm all day, and extream – fine and pleasant weather; yet a poor Market at LLanfechell |