August 22d. The Wind S.W. blowing moderate & raining almost all the morning & till 3 in the Evening with very little intermission: Sun shiny & dry for ye rest of the day · |
23d. The Wind S.S.W. & little of it, raining all this day - almost without any intermission, & generally very hard |
24th. The Wind S. blowing very fresh with some small rain in the morning, cloudy and overcast all the day,made 2 or 3 showers afterwards in the Evening: gave i0s. 6d. to Cos. Margt. Bulkeley late of Bwchanan who is very poor, old and infirm. |
25th. The Wind W. blowing pretty fresh & for the most part Sun shiny & dry, tho it made 2 or 3 small showers this day also: LLanerchmedd [there is a line through 'LL' which continues over the 'er' sw] Fair to day proved but indifferent· |
26th. The Wind S. blowing high, especially in the Evening: was Sun shiny, clear & fair |
27th. The Wind S. S. W. blowing fresh; Some sun shiny,but generally cloudy & dark, yet dry all this day except 2 or 3 very small – showers of rain, one in the morning & the other [T sw]wo in the Evening. |
28th. The Wind Variable from S. S. E. in the morning when it rained without any intermission & for the most part excessive hard from 3 in the morning till 9, & made severall showers of small rain - afterwards: The Curate Priest preached an unintelligible Sermon on Heb: Chap: iith. verse 6th. |
29th. 8 ❍ [this is written vertically in the margin below '29th.' sw] The Wind W. & by S. blowing fresh, some sun shine,but generally cloudy & dark with frequent showers of rain morning & Evening - the weather for this last fortnight being so dark & rainy,the Corn ripens but slowly . |
30th. The Wind W. & almost calm, Some sun shine,but generally cloudy &dark with some small showers this day also. |
3ist. The Wind W. & by N. blowing moderate,Sun shiny, fair & serene all this day & drying well; Pd. 3d. with a Letter sent to the Post Office. |