September ist.  The Wind S.S.W. blowing fresh especially in the Evening & night, cloudy and dark all day, but did not rain till 4 or 5 in the Evening when it made severall mizling showers.
2d.  The Wind variable this day, from S.W. in the morning to W.N.N before night, all the day was cloudy & dark and very [? sw] & raining frequently most part of the day, but not he[av sw]y—— Paid Rhŷs Bentir is. 8d. for a hind quarter of Veal weighing i9 pound & a quarter, is. 3d. for a hind quarter of Mutton 7pd. 2/1 weight. & 10d. for a quarter of Ram. in all 3s. 9d.
3d.  The Wind N. E. very calm, Sun shiny, fair clear all this day and very warm: a week of such fine weather would ripen most of the late corn . Paid this day i0s. for 10 hundred fresh herrings for Salting
4th.  The Wind S. S. E. blowing very moderate & for the most Sunshiny and fair, but dry all this day. The Sun an hour before setting appeared as red as blood·
5th.  The Wind E. N. E. calm, dark & cloudy weather, yet it continued dry all this day also·
6th.  The Wind N. E. calm, with some sun shiny, but for the most part cloudy and dark: The Sun this Evening also about an hour before setting looked of a dark red colour all along to it[' sw]s [not sure whether the mark above the 's' is a blot or an apostrophe; to date WB has never mixed up 'its' and 'it's' sw] going down: To Day I carried in the first of my Corn this year. 
7th.  The Wind N. very calm, Sun shiny, fair & very warm for most part of this day: I carry in my Corn this day also: Paid into the hands of Hugh Edward Mariner 4L. i5s. to pay for Coal in Flintshire to be brought to Cemaes.
8th.  The Wind N. E. calm & generally Sun shiny, but dry all this day — 
9th.  The Wind N. N. E. calm, and some sun shine ^in the morning^ but the Evening was— very cloudy, dark and blowing high & looked as fore boding a Storm but blessed be God it abated before day without makeing any rain Paid Rhŷs Bentir 5s. 2d. for Butcher's meat ·
i0th.  The Wind N. E. calm & generally Sun Shiny, but dry all this day. My people all this week were reaping, binding and carrying in the Corn—– being not interupted ( blessed be God ) one hour by rain.
iith.  The Wind S. W. calm, and generally Sun Shiny, but some clouds in ye Evening The Curate Priest Preached on Luke Chap: i6th. verse 3ist. what I could not understand Sent by John ifan to be delivered J. Randle the Carrier 3L. i4s. to pay Mrs. Pickmore what she laid out for Ann Wright: & 2L. i4s. to pay Whitfield's executors what I had bought of him·

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