Novr. i7th. The Wind S. blowing very fresh, or rather high all day, cloudy and cold, yet continued dry all this day· |
i8th. The Wind S. W. blowing high as the day before till the rain that fell from 2 in the morning till 4 quite allayed it; the day afterwards was Sun shiny, fair & clear and continued dry likewise . |
i9th. ● 8 [this is written vertically in the margin below 'i9th.' sw] The Wind S. blowing moderate, some sun shine & intervalls of dark, cloudy weather and generally pretty cold, but made no rain till night when it made a great shower about 9 · |
20th. The Wind S. blowing moderate and raining without intermission from betwixt 2 & 3 in the morning till near i0, and the Air was cold and raw all the day afterwards, but made no more rain . |
2ist. The Wind E. blowing moderate, and generally Sun Shiny, but dry all this day and the Air very cold· |
22d. The Wind E. and little of it, haveing freezed a little light night & some hoar frost this morning; all this day was sun shiny clear & fair, and the Air cold & pierceing . |
23d. The Wind S. S. E. blowing fresh and very cold & freezing all the morning; made severall showers of small rain in the Evening and thawed apace; pd. Rhŷs Bentir i8d. for a quarter of Mutton; and Pd. Mary Hughes 20s. in full of her Sumer's [there is a curlicue over the 'm' sw] wages & to day the parted, |
24th. The Wind W. S. W. and blowing very moderate & not cold and generally Sun Shiny: My day labourers were this week makeing new ditches about Cae'r Iarlles & Cae pen Brynklynni and planting them with Quick sets . Pd. Robt. Prichd. 2s. for Bull Rush– Pannells & pd. Wm. Bevan 4s. for labouring work· |
25th. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh and raining a mizling dirty rain and generally hard almost all day· |
26th. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark & cold raw weather all day: Pd. Robert Owen Wm. John 9s. more of his wages & Pd. Robert Owen Sheppherd 2s. & Pd. Ellin Wms. i8s. being her sumer's [there is a wavy line over the 'm' sw] wages in full . |
27th. The Wind W. in the morning, came to S. W. about noon, blowing moderate, cloudy & dark with frequent showers of rain, especially in the Evening when it rained often very hard· |
28th. The Wind W. & W. & by S. blowing high & very cold, especially in ye Evening but made no rain: Pd. Robt. Bryan i6s. for i9 days work in blasting stones· |