September ist. The Wind N. blowing moderate, Sun shiny fair & dry all day. gave is. [1/- sw] to Doctor Wynn's Servant that brought here a Dosen of wine. |
2d. The Wind E. blowing pretty fresh & raining all the morning till near 10. the rest of the day was dry, but cloudy and dark. |
3d. The Wind E. blowing very moderate, cloudy & dark till i0 - the rest of the day was fair. This being the day of my Dear - Mother's funerall, the bearers came here about noon, I had sent to Six, & onely five came, my Cousin Robert Hughes of Plâs coch refused to come, so I was necessitated to make the Priest one of the bearers, & my Brother Lewis not being at home, Mr. Thomas Meyrick was made a bearer in his stead the rest were Mr. Morgan of Henblas, Mr. Evans ofTrefeilir, Mr. Rowlands of Caera, and Mr. LLoyd of Monachdu: the Corps was taken up about 4. & all over soon after 5, I gave the Priest 2is & 5s. to the Clark, & gave my Son 7s. 6d. to give to the Priest and clark· |
4th. The Wind S. very calm & sultry & generally Sun shiny & dry. To Day I carryed in all the corn that grew on Brynddu in one day, being about a third part of what I used to have . |
5th 1❍ [this is written in the margin below '5th' sw]The Wind E . N. E. very calm, sun shiny fair and warm all this day: My people are digging up Gorse to day and carrying of them home to put about the Turf stacks to prevent the Cattle from throwing them down that are grazing in Cae'r Gegin. |
6th. The Wind E. N.E. very calm with some mizling rain in the morning, & all the rest of the day was dry, but generally cloudy and dark. |
7th. The Wind E. blowing fresh, cold & dry all the morning, sun shiny and clear sky; the Evening calm, and generally cloudy and dark· |
8th. The Wind E. S.E· very calm, and extream Sultry tho it was generally dark close weather for most part of the day . |