A Diary begun the first of August 1747 where the second Volume ended, Treating of the most Remarkeable occurences transacted in my own Farm & family in particular, & transiently of other Affaires in this parish, neighbourhood & County also in generall. |
August ist. The Wind W. in the morning, calm sun shiny & fair, about 9 it came to S. blew fresh, grew dark with some rain about ii, but about i it begun in earnest to rain, and rained hard all the rest of the day & blowing high besides: My people were forced to leave the hay, & go to fence the wet ditch in the field behind Ferem house: Sowed to day Cauly Flower, Cabbage & Onion Seed. |
2d. The Wind S. pretty calm & raining all the morning, as it did I believe, most part of last night, the Evening fair and dry: a great Congregation to day at LLanfechell Church and the burying of two Children that dyed of ye Small Pox, 8 or ten being buryed before Since Summer came in. |
3d. The Wind W. & by S. & moderate, very little Sun Shine , but continued dry all day: my people all this day in the hay. |
4th. The Wind W. & by S. calm & warm but generally cloudy and dark all the morning yet dry & very little dew this morning. My people all this day are makeing the hay into stacks. |
5th. The Wind N. calm & warm, but very little SunShine, and generally— cloudy & dark, but dry all day. The Market at LLanerchymedd very low, & very little asking for Corn. |
6th. The Wind N.E. blowing something fresh dry & scorching, but generally dark and cloudy most part of the day. |
7th. The Wind E. blowing fresh & very scorching, sunshiny & hot all day ; My people are makeing the hay at Cnewchdernog to day, haveing finished getting all into stacks at home. Coydan & Bodelwyn: |
8th. The Wind E. blowing fresh, scorching & dry all day, & nothing remarkeable happened .Paid 15d. for a quarter of Mutton. |
9th. 8 m [this is written in the margin below '9th.' sw] The Wind E. blowing fresh, hot & scorching & generally sun shiny; The Priest preached on 1.Sam. Chap: 3d. & ye latter part of the 18th. vers. As there was a Wedding of MaryEnoch & Osmund & a burying it was half an hour past i. when we came from Church: I think that buryed to day was either the 12th. or 13th. that had dyed of the Small Pox &some of them of the measles, being all children from i. year to 8 or 9 hitherto. |
i0th. The Wind N.E. very calm, sun shiny & fair all day & extream hot &Sultry from 8 in the morning till 4 in the Evening. My people were to day discharging Wm. Peters Vessell that brought me Coals from Mostyn [not sure whether this is the place or a person; the entry for August 12th. refers to 'Humphrey Mostyn, and his son in law Wm. Peters' sw]. |
iith. The Wind N. very calm, sun shiny hot & Sultry all day: my people all this day likewise ( instead of reaping the Corn ) are all employed in carrying home the Coals from Cemaes. |