Febr. ist. The Wind S. blowing fresh, sun shiny & clear, all the Morning; the Evening cloudy & dark with some mizling rain on the fall of night. |
2d. The Wind S.S. W. generally dark & cloudy with a misty, cold & moist Air, especially in the Evening; pd. Katherine Rowland pursuant to the last Will of Mr. Wynne of Rhydgroes 6s. 8d.—– |
3d. The Wind S.W. generally Sun-shiny fair & warm in ye Morning, the Evening dark, cloudy & very cold, but made no rain this day. |
4th. ●10 [this is written in the margin below '4th.' sw] The Wind S.S.W. fair & Sun-shiny in the morning, but interupted sometimes with dark angry clouds, the Evening dark, cloudy and very cold, but made no rain. This day was observed thro all England & Wales for a Generall Fast & praying for God's Mercy on this Nation, & to crave a blessing on the King's Arms against his & the Nation's Enemies being now in War with Spain. Paid into the hands of my Servant Wm. Davies to be by him paid to Hugh Lloyd the Drover(who is to order the Same Sum [there is a line over the 'm' sw] to be paid my Son in London) Sixty Pounds Sterling . |
5th. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh, & cold in the Evening; about 4 it made a sharp shower for half an hour, fair the rest of the night. |
6th. The Wind W. & by S. sun shiny & fair & blowing briskly, a full Market to day at LLanfechell, pd. into the hands of Katherine Wms. Humphrey Mostyn's Wife 12s. to buy me Wine in Liverpool. Sold to day 15s. worth of Garden Beans in LLanfechell Market at the rate of 3s. 4d. a Cibbin . |
7th. The Wind S.S.W. blowing fresh all day, made a sharp shower about 9 in the Morning which lasted half an hour, the rest of the day fair & dry . my people are these threelast days plowing Sand ground at Bodelwyn for great Oats. |
8th. The Wind S.S.W. blowing fresh and very cold, & withall dark, & hazy weather all day, yet made no rain; The Parson preached on Mat. Chap. 16th. vers. 26th. the old laudable doctrine of liberally Distrib= =uting Hell fire from one End to the other. |
9th. The Wind S.W. blowing high & cold especially in the Evening, but made no rain all this day nor night – |