March 20th. The Wind S.W. dark & cloudy in the morning accompanyed with some showers of rain, the rest of the day fair & dry, & blowing something high, my people this day harrowing fresh sand ground for Oats at Ferem. |
2ist. The Wind S.W. raining all the morning with very little intermission from 1 a clock to 9. the rest of the day very hazy & the wind high, at the fall of night it rained again severall very heavy showers, & a — mizling rain(I believe ) most part of the night. pd to a Messenger that brought me a letter from H.head from my Daughter giveing an acct. of the Villain's impudence that brought on her misfortunes 2s. therein requesting - either my speedy consent to her being marryed to Wright forthwith, whereby she may prevent all further trouble, or to send for her home. pd. 4d for mending a pair of shooes to be given old Owen John Thomas . |
22d. The Wind S.W. dark & cloudy, tho blowing fresh, & raw cold weather, & a dripping mizling rain all day long – ☞ [this symbol is in the margin opposite this line sw] so that my people are not able neither to plow, nor harrow this Day my Daughter was Marryed to Mr. Fortunatus Wright. being the same day of the Month that I was marryed to her Mother: tho She knew nothing of it |
23d. The Wind S. & by W. fair & dry all this day, onely ye Evening was hazy & misty . my people harrow & plow to day. |
24th. ❍ 5 [this is written in the margin immediately below '24th.' sw] The Wind N. E. fair mild & very calm warm weather a very great Fair at LLanerchymedd to day; pd. 1s. for 120 cabbage plants, gave 6d. Charity to old Ellin Bulkeley, an inhabitant of this parish who is very poor, & 87 year old. |