September i8th. The Wind S. E. blowing moderate; dark cloudy weather all day & frequent small showers in the morning: and made a great shower in the Evening about 4. |
i9th. The Wind E. blowing very fresh, especially in the Evening, generally Sun Shiny & cold and dry all day: Paid Marged ’ chuw Morus is. 9d. for a Side of Mutton & 2s. 3d. to Rhŷs Bentir for an- other: To Day I discharged 8 Tons of Coal out of George ab Huw Lewis's Boat & by the help of my Neighbours I carryed it all home by 5 a clock · |
20th. ii❍ [this is written vertically in the margin below '20th.' sw] The Wind E. blowing high and very cold, generally cloudy & dark, yet some intervals of Sun Shine, and continued dry- all day: ToDay I begun to carry in Corn at Coydan, being i48 Shocks of Small Oats, 90 shocks of Great black Oats, and 32 shocks of Rye : Paid George ab Huw Lewis, 2L. 4s. being 1L. i6s. for carrying the Coal at the rate of 4s..6d. a Ton, & i5s. for Port charges, which with 3L. 3s. delivered him to buy the Coal is in all 5L. 7s. |
2ist. The Wind E. blowing moderate, cloudy and dark weather with some rain in the morning, but the ground exceeding wet after the great rains it made last night so that all the rivers are out; The Priest preached on Isiah Chap: 57th. verse 2ist. Paid John Salisbury i5s for a Calf. |
22d. The Wind E. blowing high and very cold, cloudy and dark weather but dry all this day and night. |
23d. The Wind E. S. E. blowing fresh and cold, cloudy & dark,but continued dry all day. |
24th. The Wind S. blowing moderate, Some sun shine, but cloudy for the most part, & was dry all this day also: My people this day made a Stack of - Barley in very good order. |