Oct.15th. [most of the text of the rest of this entry is from The Gentleman's Magazine Volume 7 August 1737, although some of the spelling, punctuation and spacing are WB's sw] No man maintains a greater sense of the decency due to the established Religion of a Countrey than I do, & I hope I shall not be imagined guilty of an offence against it, if, while a controversy is depending concerning the correction of the Liturgy, I beg leave in the following Version of the Prayer for the Bishops & the Clergy, to point out That, as unhappily expressed & wanting correction. Oh God Omnipotent, whose power alone Has to the World the greatest Wonders shown; Here at thy feet thy Servants Suppliant fall, And ask a Greater Wonder than them all: On Priests & Bishops healthfull Grace bestow That they may please thee, who displease thee now
The Next is the Black-Bird's complaint, address'd to her Apologist who compared her to a Parson. Hold, hold! apologiseing friend, Push not the Jest too far; My right you very well defend, But yet my honour marr What! Dub me Parson! who can bear it? ’tis true, the whim is merry; But do I take a Tenth, or near it, From the ripe tempting Cherry? Of all the fruitage, few I like, So modest's Nature's Call! Nor as those greedy Harpies strike who take the Tythe of all. A Morsel, when my inside yearns, Kind Providence supplies; But they, distrustfull! will have Barns Mark the Enormous Size? |