April 17th. The Wind S.E. moderate in the morning, about noon it blew high, & very stormy before night; about 4 this Evening I took my leave of the family at LLysdulas, haveing given in the house 3s. 6d. and was at home by 6: about 8 at night it made a great shower of rain which allayed the high wind in a great measure. |
18th. The Wind S. blowing high & cold, but sun shiny generally all day: Sowed to day Some Broccoli Seed. Paid Hugh Hughes of LLanflewyn 2 pounds five shillings for ten peggets of hay Seed . To Day I first heard ye Cuccow this year, |
19th. The Wind W. in the morning blowing high & cold,but dry; it came to S. in the Evening . blew fresh & very cold, especially towards night, and made some showers of rain, & one very great shower of hail: Paid the Collector of the Window tax 40 shillings & to the Collector of the land tax 2 pound i5 shillings & 8 pence; pd. 6d. for Salt Petr & 6d. for Beesoms & 2/1 for thread . & i8d. for Butcher's meat· |
20th. The Wind N.E. in the morning, blowing fresh & cold, it came to N. W. in the Evening, blew very moderate, was warm Sun – shiny and fair: Paid 2s. Window tax for my farm house in LLanddeusant, and two pounds 17s. & 4d. for my land tax in that parish. |
2ist. ❍1 [this is written in the margin underneath '2ist.' sw] The Wind S. blowing high & very cold all the morning, the Evening something milder, & brought down severall showers of rain from 6 to i0. was to day at LLanerchymedd to Join my Brother Lewis to swear the high Constables where it cost me 1s. 6d. To Day I saw the first swallow this year, since I saw that on Easter Tuesday last. |
22d. The Wind S. blowing high & cold all day, generally cloudy & overcast, but made no rain this day: My people all this week are plowing for Barley in Coydan Park. |
23d. The Wind S. in the Morning & blowing high & cold, & rainedhard from 9 till 2 in the Evening which brought the wind to N. W. grew sun shiny fair & warm from that time till 6.when ye wind came again to S. The Priest preached on i.Pet: Chap: 2d. vers: 2d. |