Decr. 31st. pd the Messenger that went for the horses 2s. pd the Customhouse Officers 2s. [? sw] for Searching my Portmanteau delivered Mr. Vickers 10s. 7d[? sw] to pay for Soap. & so took horse baited at Rydpont Bridge where I spent 2d. & arrived at home about 4 in the Evening .having had much rain in the way– Janr. ist. ['1736' is also written in the margin, in another pen, or in pencil sw] The Wind S. S . W. and high; stormy rainy weather, went to Church and Dined <at> home with onely my Mother& ∎∎Da.Wms. in the Evening I had a visit from Mr. Vaughan Bronhe[u sw]log Mr. Francis LLoyd & the Parson who staid till night. |
2d. 1● [this is written immediately below '2d.' sw] The Wind S. pretty high but dry, went this day to LLoydiarth to discourse Mr. LLoyd about the money he said Mr. Rowland Wynne would lend me, dined there, and came home by 6 in ye Evening the road very bad. |
3d. The Wind S.S.W. very high, blustering & stormy, it rained almost all this day mighty hard,& I was not out of the house, but in the little house, have prepared a messenger to go to Carnarvan to Morrowabout that buisness–gave him 18d. to bear his carges. rained most part of ye night |
4th. The Wind S.S.W. very stormy & raining very hard all the morning till i in the Evening. rained hard — again at the fall of Night till Midnight. a wetter Season I never saw. |
5th. The Wind S.W. a very calm, fair, sun - shiny day till 3 in the Evening when it grew cloudy & dark, and blew high and continued so all night. |
6th. The Wind S.S.W, high & boisterous, and raining long before day, & continued so till 3 in ye Evening a little fairer from <that> time till night, I enjoyed what little Company I had pleasantly all the Evening till broad day.– |