May 23d. The Wind S.W. & by S. blowing high, dark and cloudy, and very cold in the Evening; my people to day were discharg❚ing a Sand Vessell, and in the Evening they made the Straw into a Stack. |
24th. The Wind W.& by N. cold & scorching in the morning & late in the Evening; from 10. to 5 in ye Evening hot & scorching, no dew this Morning: my people employed in digging of Gors for Winter fireing . |
25th. The Wind N.W. blowing cold, but the sun shining very hot all day, my people still at the same work; pd. 11d.for a Quarter of Veal, & pd. Hugh Prŷs the Pydew 3s. for a pair of Pumps, & 6d for mending my shoos. |
26th. 10● [this is written vertically below '26th.' sw] The Wind N.W. a very great dew this morning, calm & warm, the rest of the day very hot and Sultry, my people still at the same work of digging Gors and others carrying of them home. |
27th. The Wind N. something cloudy in the morning. which did continue all day ,accompanyed with a cold Air till night, pd 6d. for Crab fish – |
28th. The Wind N. cold in the Morning, but very hot from 10 till 5. my Servants together with Owen John Rowland of Bodlwyfan employed in taking to pieces the Old field Kiln, in order to make it larger and more comodious. sent by Owen Edward 14s. to buy me Tea in the Isle of man . |
29th. The Wind N. calm & cloudy all the morning, & cold & hot by Turns, my people are weeding the Corn to day, others are employed about the Kiln. |
30th. The Wind N. scorching cold, & scorching hot by turns, with very little dew in the Morning, my people at the same work. |
31st. The Wind N.W, a very great dew this morning, ye Sun very hot, but ye Wind cold, & scorching; |