February 27th. The Wind N. & by E. blowing high and very cold all day, especially in the Evening and night: My people these days are rough harrowing the fresh cut ground in Coydan upper Park: pd. Henry Dryhurst 5s. 6d. for Glazier's work in the house & Garden Glasses & some Soldering work. |
28th. The Wind W. in the morning calm & warm,but cloudy & dark all day; before noon it came to S.W. was cold & raw & made some rain in the Evening, and a good deal in the beginning of night: The Priest preached on Luke Chap: 13th. & verse 3d. it is very remarkable of this Priest that he always preaches upon Sin in generall, denounces terrible Judgments against Sinners, Yet I never remember to have heard him mention in any of his – insipid Sermons what those Sins are which God is displeased with the comitting [there is a cup shaped line above the 'm' sw] of them, tho it be true that God hates all Sin, yet the Minister ought to preach in order upon every immorall action, and shew the ignorant people what those actions are yt are in themselves displeasing to God: this would be a Curb to unlawfull liberties, but as he manages matters, I dare say [Nesta Evans gives 'daresay' sw] few are either the wiser, of go from Church with any impression wrought on their minds. |
29th. The Wind W.& moderate all day, & not very cold, with intervals of Sun Shine & clouds, about 7 at night it brought down severall showers of cold Sleet which brought the wind to N. & blew high, and was very cold all the rest of the night: Delivered Richard Jones the Mill-Wright six Guineas to pay for timber to the Mill. |
March ist. The Wind N. blowing fresh, very cold, raw weather all day, but made no rain: about 12 at night it rained very hard: To Day John Jones of Amlough Smith & his Sister assigned over their Mortgage upon Griffith Sion's lands to me, up which I paid them Sixty two pounds one Shilling & eight pence in full of principall & Interest; Pd. likewise to Mr. Ambrose Lewis for drawing the Deeds, stamps &c one pound eighteen – shillings. |
2d. The Wind S.W. blowing fresh & raining very hard long before day till 8 , and made severall heavy showers — afterwards & rained most part of the night . |
3d. The Wind N. W. pretty calm & raining very hard long before day, a great deal of water upon the ground & all the ditches are full of it, the Evening fair & dry. |