August 15th. upon its being produced all the Family of William Thomas knew it, whereupon John Thomas of Wylfa the Nephew & heir of William Hughes of Wylfa who had built the boat was engaged to go to the place where it was to see if it was the same, who goeing there, upon his return reported it to be the same boat these unfortunate people went into, the Oars & Rudder were lost, and all the Sails & shrouds of the <fore> Mast wch was – [this is in the margin sw] broke in the Middle <carryed off, ye Main Mast & its sail being lashed down in ye Boat> nothing in the Boat when found (which was ye 24th. of June in the Morning) but Broken pieces of – Bottles, and a Large Wooden Basket found floating by the boat in which they had carryed their Meat· So that of 13 Persons most of them masters of Familys & <Fathers of> small Children not one is to be found alive or dead; Mr. Robinson was a young Man not long Marryed & had liveing onely one Girl; Wm. Watkin the Son of Watkin ab William Watkin of Pandŷ Budr in this Parish was the onely stay of an Aged Father, all the rest, but Mr. Edwards & [this is in the margin sw] Mr. Robinson's Servant, & Wm. Thomas's Servant were Marryed people, & lost in following the Caprice of a hot_headed young Gentleman. |
16th. The Wind W.&by N. a Sultry hot day, tho cloudy in ye Morning, the Evening Sun-Shiny & fair, to day my people beganto reap. pd. 3d. for Ale. |
17th. The Wind N.W. Sun–shiny, sultry & hot till 2 in yeEvening then cloudy & overcast; lent Richard LLoyd is. [1/- sw] to buy him a reaping hook. a pretty good Market at LLanfechell to day, both in Butcher's meat, corn, meal, Salt, Turnips &c. |
18th. The Wind N.W. clear, sun-shiny & fair, & apleasant Breeze, my people are at the same work of reaping – pd. 1d.2/1 for Ale. |
19th. The Wind N.W. Sun-shiny & clear & warm all day, this is the 3d Sunday without a Sermon, tho there is one due every other Sunday. |
20th. The Wind N.W. clear, Sunshiny & fair in the Morning & the Evening, but about noon very dark & cloudy, but make no rain my people still at the same work of reaping. |