August 9th. The Wind E. & by N. blowing very moderate, but cold for the time of the year, and cloudy and dark all day; pd. 1d. for Liquorice root . |
i0th. The Wind E. N.E. very moderate, Sun shiny fair & warm all day; A very poor Fair to day at Newborough, there being no Drovers to buy— Oxen there, Onely some Cow Chapmen · |
iith. The Wind E. blowing fresh,hot & scorching all day,and generally Sun Shiny: My people finished to day makeing all the hay into Stacks that I had upon my lands in LLan- -fechell; pd. 1s. 6d. for a quarter of Veal. |
12th. The Wind E. blowing fresh and warm, and generally Sun- shiny and fair till 5 in the Evening when it grew cloudy, Paid John Fisher a Scotch Pedlar 10s. for 4 pair of Stockins, 2 pair for my self, & 2 pair for Ann Wright. |
13. ● [this is written vertically immediately below '13' sw]The Wind E. blowing fresh, dark and cloudy weather almost all day, especially late in the Evening it looked very like raining; was to day to visit the itinerant Charity School that is kept at this time in Caban house, where there used to be about 20 Child - ren, after these (being the Children of these Neighbouring parishes) are taught to read welsh, which they will perfectly well in 6 months they are taught the Church Cathechism & the Explanation of it,and reading the Old & New Testament, they are likewise taught to write: this Charity is chiefly supported by South wales Gentlemen& Englishmen. The Clergy are generally all against these itinerant Schools & do all they can to depreciate them, calling them the Nurseries of the Methodists; but they keep their ground in severall parts of the Countrey in spite of all the resistance they give them . |