April 27th. The Wind E. blowing fresh, Sun shiny & clear : and scorching very much & nipping the tender corn & grass, & more so as there falls but little or no dew in the night· |
28th. The Wind E. blowing fresh and cold, dry and scorching all day. went out to day on horse back as far as Amlough to view ye place in that harbour where David Morris wants to build a Store house. and rid very hard, being directed so to do for the obstin ate malady I have been so long troubled with; it cost me there for meat & drink is. 3d. |
29th. The Wind E. blowing very fresh & exceeding cold & scorching, I was on horsback this day also as far as Cnewchdernog, but returned home by i in the Evening, much fatigued & sickish, and had all the Evening frequent and often large discharges by stool of a filthy putrid, black grumous [clotted sw] blood intermixed with other putrid matter which riding had thrown into the intestines & so discharged . |
30th. 5 ❍ [this is written vertically in the margin below '30th.' sw] The Wind E. N. E· and very moderate & pretty warm, cloudy & dark yet dry all this day: Paid Lewis Evans Post Master by Mr. Sawtell's orders i6s. 6d. for News papers to this time: Pd. the Sd. Lewis Evans is. 4d. postage for letters, & pd. Richd. Owen of LLanerchymedd Pedlar 7s.id. for Iron Hoops· |
May ist. The Wind N. E. and little of it, warm & pleasant, yet generally cloudy and overcast, but continued dry all day· |
2d. The Wind E. blowing fresh and exceeding cold nipping and very scorching weather all day, yet altogether cloudy and dark; Paid Owen Thomas the Smith's Bill being 6s. and Pd. 6d. for fish. |
3d. The Wind N. E. blowing fresh and cold and generally cloudy & dark all day: Pd. is. [1/- sw] for 6 Chickens: My people all this week also were plowing for, and harrowing Barley: As we had no rain & very little dew this long time and a scorching, high Easterly wind for a long time; the grass looks very poor, in these parts of the Countrey . |
4th. The Wind N. E. blowing fresh and very cold, yet the frequent showers of rain it made this morning (tho cold) has much refreshed the ground .made more showers in the Evening & much warmer: Pd. into the hands of Mr. Evans [our sw] Parson i[0 sw]s. for 6 Bottles of Red Wine had of Mr. John Roberts of Carnarvan & 2s. 8d. for a pound of Sago had from the same place. |
5th. The Wind N. E. and very moderate, raining in the morning, but the rest of the day was dry: To Day I finishedsowing 22 peggets & half of Barley. |
6th. The Wind E. N. E. and calm & raining hard till 8 in the morning,the rest of the day was dry: |
7th. The Wind E. N.E. very calm, cloudy & dark: made no rain to day, but a great deal last night [: sw] Pd. 4d. for a quart of Ale at Cemaes· |