May 28th. The Wind W. in the morning, it came to N.W. in the Evening, and blew pretty high and very cold all day, and was generally cloudy and dark, but made no rain: paid 3d. for a quarter of pound of flower of Brimstone. |
29th. 2❍ [this is written vertically in the margin under '29th.' sw]The Wind variable all this day; in the morning it was at N.W. about noon it came to W. and before night it was settled at S. it blew fresh all day and was generally cloudy and overcast but made very little or no rain . |
30th. The Wind W. in the morning, it came to S. in the Evening, & blew pretty fresh all day, was generally dark & cloudy & made some little dew about 7 in the Evening: paid 3d. to the Taylor for mending my Coat. |
3ist. The Wind S.S.W. blowing fresh, cloudy and dark moaky weather — all day: made some rain about 5 in the morning, all the rest of the day was dry: My people this week did but little service, To Day they carryed the Oats to Dulas which I had sold to John Hughes of Gwredog Frŷn alias John Crack for 10s. a pegget. |
June ist. The Wind S.S.W. blowing fresh, and a smoaky dark weather all day about noon it made some mizling rain, as it did afterwards late in the Evening: pd. is. 10d. for a Lamb · |
2d. The Wind S. S. W. blowing fresh and dark, smoaky weather all day– in the Evening the wind was high and the Air moist, yet it made no rain |
3d. The Wind S. blowing fresh and Sultry about noon, Sun shiny. and fair all day, the wind was allay'd in the Evening & was very calm before night. |
4th. The Wind E. very calm, Sun Shiny hot and very Sultry all day,and a great dew this morning . |
5th. The Wind E. calm and yet a little breeze to qualifie the great heat of the weather which blessed be God was as great thisday as yesterday |
6th. The Wind E. blowing fresh hot and Sultry all day, and very little dew this morning: A pretty good Fair to day at LLanerchmedd, yet ye number of Cattle there was very Small: Pd. 2s. 6d. for a Carolina hat for Mrs. Wms. of Cemlyn’s Daughter who had the misfortune to loose her hat in my house last week: pd. likewise 4s. i0d. for 7 yards, a quarter & half a quarter of cloath to make Sand bags· |
7th. The Wind E. blowing high and very hot all day, very scorching and burning: Mrs. Gold haveing sent here notice that Miss Grace Wright was to go very soon to Liverpool pursuant to an Order from her Grand – mother, I sent her to day to Beaumares &gave her 2s. 6d. & to John Ifan 1s. to bear his expences there. |