Aprill ist.  1734  now in full leafs, the Apricot tree has shed its blossom 3 weeks ago & sett for fruit, other fruit trees such as Pears, Cherrys, Peaches & Nectorines very full of Blossom & in prime bloom. Plum trees which were a fortnight ago all White, have since cast their Blossom & sett for fruit. some apple trees full blown, the rest in a week's time promiseing the same thing, very thick sett with blossoms The Vines at the gable end of the Brew-house within the Court haveing already shott out above four inches, with blossom buds appearing upon them already –
2d.  the weather was very rainy in the Morning till 8 a clock, then fair & windy till night, I neither did, nor saw any thing re-markeable. I walked the fields & gardens most part of ye Day –
3d.  Very Cold all day, dark and cloudy, nothing besides worth mentioning–
4th  a Dark cloudy Day, but very warm & a fine spring, I was this day in ye River at ye Angling sport, caught but a few. [tapped sw] a Barrel of Drink [this sw] day—
5th.  A fine warm dry Day, & ye Wind (what there was) at North-East an ordinary flesh markett to day at lLanfechell, beign only 7 or 8 poor kids, but of Corn, bread, butter Salt &c a great deal pd [2 sw]d for Ale–

6th. a very fair day, and a fine spring, ye wind at S. west, & pretty–high, agreat deal of Dew every night this week ago, it made 2 or three very great showers of Rain this evening, & rained I believe ye most part of the Night. betwixt 8 & 9 of the Clock this night ye Sherriff's Bailiff [?sw] here to give me notice of the Great Session, to shew me the Warrant of ye Sessions, & a letter from the Sherriff. which being but short shall here insert.

The great Sessions for the County of Anglesey being appointed to be held at Beamares upon Thursday the 18th. Day of Aprill next your appearance there on the Grand Jury upon friday ye 19th. will be of honour & Service to your Countrey and an obligation laid upon your most humble Servant ————    Robert Bulkeley Sherrif[presume two 'f's, but end of the word is lost in the binding sw]

Gronant Aprill 2d. 1734 

N.B. ye Invitation in ye above letter was to attend in Aprill next. I know by the hand that Hugh Owen of [?sw] that egregious blockhead his Deputy writt it.

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