October 3d. The Wind N. blowing moderate and cold, and generally cloudy & dark all day , with some little mizling rain: I have people these days digging ye border in the Orchard under the haw-thorn hedge on the left hand of the door, and grubbing up the roots of the Ash that had quite spoiled it so that nothing would grow there; & now being well cleansed, it is to be dunged very thick to plant flower roots in it . Planted out to day my Anemona and Ranuncula Roots· |
4th 10 ❍ [this is written in the margin below '4th' sw] The Wind W. and blowing a moderate gale, cold and very dry, and yet generally cloudy and overcast all day: finished to day carrying all my Muck, and there's a good deal of the field unfinished, but that part was well muck'd when it was lain down in grass. |
5th. The Wind W & by S. very calm,but cold, cloudy & dark weather with a small mizling rain very often, morning & Evening – Pd. 1s. 7d.2/1 for a Side of Mutton, id. for Turnips & 2d.for bread. |
6th. The Wind E. and blowing moderate, the Air cold. and generally sun shiny, but very dry: Sent by Lewis my Plowman 5s. to give Anna Wright, with directions to her in my letter to her to give half of it to her Sister; this man was to bring from Beaumares half a Chest of Florence Wine, 10 Flasks of Florence Oyl, &4 Turopins or land Turtles alive to be kept in the walled Garden: They were sent as a present from Mr. Wright (still at Leghorn) in one of his trading ships that from that place who called at Beaumares & left themthere for me: pd. 6d. for the man & horse's expences at Beaumares · |
7th. The Wind E. blowing high and very cold, with some little rain about noon, and in the Evening, & blowing high all night: The Priest preached on i John Chap: 3d. vers: 2ist. |
8th. The Wind E. & by N. blowing high, especially in the Evening and night, and very cold, and generally cloudy and dark; the night was light from an Aurora Borealis that flashed from East to the West· |
9th. The Wind E. blowing very high and extream cold all day,Sun Shiny & clear till 3 in the Evening, afterwards it was cloudy & dark & very stormy all night: My people were these two — days · cutting fern and carrying them home and makeing them into stacks . |