May 24th. The Wind N.E. very calm, dark & cloudy, but made no rain, a very ordinary flesh Markett to day at LLanerchy medd not a bit of Mutton to be sold there . Sold all my Oats to Humphrey Mostyn's wife for 5s. a pegget, it being but very ordinary Corn. |
25th. The Wind S.S.W. calm & warm in the Morning, the Evening – something windy & cold, to day I begun to fallow my Rye Pinfold at Coydan. my other servants still with the Wall. |
26th. The Wind S.W. raining very hard in the morning till past 7. the rest of the day dry but something cold, especially in the Evening; The Market at LLanfechell full, but very low, pd 6d for Ale . |
27th. The Wind S.W. in the Morning & rained very hard long before day till i in the Evening when the Wind settled at N.E. the rest of the day sun - shiny & fair, sowed in the Evening sweet Marjo[ra sw][there is a horizontal line above the unclear part of the word sw] & Cucumber seeds in the Naturall ground, my servants in the Evening likewise washed the Sheep in order to sheer them on Monday · |
28th. The Wind S.W. fair, clear & serene in the Morning & till 3 in the Evening, the rest of the day a dirty mizling rain, a very full congregation to day at LLanfechell Church. |
29th. The Wind S.S.W. blowing very high & cold, a dirty mizling rain in the Evening as yesterday, went to Cemaes to see a Boat of Coal bought me at the Dungeon near Liverpool, & cost there 6s. 6d a Tun. pd there 6d2/1 for Ale. |
30th. The Wind W. clear, fair & dry, but cold, my people still at the same work as before, pd. Hugh Prŷs the Shoomaker, alias y Pydew 6s.6d. for Boots, & a pair of Pumps, & likewise allowed him ye Rent of Gerddi Gwynion besides. To Day died Mr. David LLoyd of LLoydiarth : leaving behind him onely two Daughters' that Estate (as they say) haveing had a Succession of Male heirs for 500 years, & no heiress till now. |
3ist. The Wind S.W. raining most part of the Day, however I dischargd & carryed home from Cemaes Six Tuns of Coal, pd Hugh Lewis 24s for ye Sea Carriage, 4s. 8d. Port Charges, Pd. Mr. Owen LLoyd the Officer 12s. 6d Duty; & gave himself 2s. 6d. |