March 8th. The Wind W.S.W. cloudy & dark, & not very cold all day, but exceeding dry : pd. a Carnarvan shire man 2s. for catching Moles. & pd. Humphrey Mostyn 2L. 3s. 6d. for Salt bought of him, & Some Sand he carryed me by sea. |
9th. The Wind W. S. W. very calm, & not cold, but very dry, tho ’tis cloudy & dark for Severall days past Graffted plumb stocks with Orleans plumb in the severall places following;(Viz ) one in the North __ border in the Wall Garden; one in the sweet herb plot in the Old Orchard. & 2 in the Nursery plot in the old Orchard. Graffed [Nesta Evans gives 'Grafted' sw] likewise two stocks with ye Muscovy Apple in the Espalier border in the new Orchard. |
10th. [SYMBOL LLEUAD LLAWN] 6 The Wind S.W. calm - sun shiny and very fair – and even warm in the Evening. The Corn Market at LLanerchmedd to day something lower than before and the flesh market very poor & very dear. |
11th. The Wind W. & by S. very calm & warm, but generally cloudy & dark , on the fall of night it rained for abt. 2 minutes which brought the wind to N.N.W.pd. 3d for ale at Cemaes. & pd Thomas Bryan's Servant 5L. 8s. |
12th. The Wind N.N.E. exceeding cold, and blowing – fresh all day. a hard frost this morning on ye water, yet the Sun shined clear & strong all day, and – made no frost this night. |
13th. The Wind N. very sharp & extream cold, but sunshiny and warm in the shade . finished to day sowing all my Oats. being about 24 Peggets.pd.Wm.Wms.— a Timber Merchant near Conway .11s. 3d. for 9– foot of Timber for the Water wheel of my Mill. |