April 20th. The Wind N. & by E. very cold & dark weather but dry, received to day 2 half Barrells of Ale brewed at Liverpool, being part of the Cargoe my Son in Law Sold this time in Dublin; these he had left for me at Holy-head & came to Cemaes on board the Mary, Captain Fortune Master, that came for the Barley Mr. Vickers had bought in these parts: to day I sowed Cucumber Seeds, Savoy Cabbages, and sweet Marjoram, Sowed likewise Kidney Beans, both the common white kind, & the Battersea . |
21st. The Wind E. very cold & raining most part of the Morning the Evening dry but very cold; my people all this Week sowing Barley at Brynclynni. |
22d. The Wind N. prodigious cold, & showering feathered snow in the Morning in such a Manner that Garn = ynghornwy was white by 5 in the Morning, made severall showers of hail & cold Sleet afterwards, so that my people could not plow to day. the Evening was altogether almost raining & snowing . pd 4d. for fish. |
2 ❍ [this is written vertically immediately above '23d.' sw] 23d. The WindS. dark & cloudy in the Morning & very calm, about 7 it cleared up & blew pretty fresh; having rained very hard about i in the Morning; at 6 in the Evening it rained very hard again the Parson – preached on Psalm 130th. vers.3d. –pd 5d for Ale - |
24th. The Wind S. dark, cloudy weather & very wet, made a great deal of rain to day, my people scouring of ditches, & dressing of the Potatoe_Garden, the Ground at Bryn=Clynni being too wet to be plowed or sowed. |
25th. The Wind S, close cloudy weather, with frequent Showers of Rain in the Morning, the Evening Sun=Shiny & fair, made a very good Fair to day at LLanerchymedd a great many Oxen & Cows sold, the Oxen from 3L. 10s. to 5L. a piece & the Cows from 40s. to 3L. some in calf & others with the Calfs following them. |