Decr. 4th. The Wind W. very cold raw weather, pd Bubb the shoomaker 13s. 7d2/1 Ir. for a pair of Boots, pd 9s Ir. for 4 Volumes of the Arabian Tales pd. 6s. for Salmon's Chronologicall History, pd 8d for Ale.. |
5th. The Wind W.S.W cold & raw, pd. 8s 4dIr. for an Iron sledge weight 20[2 sw]/1 at 5d a pound, pd. 4s Ir. for stockings. 1d2/1 for Tobacc. 3d for ale |
6th. The Wind S.E. very cold with a hoar frost, pd. 5d for half a pint of Wine, 8d for ale. rained all this night. |
7th. The Wind W. raining all the Morning & most part of the day, dined at Luffingham upon an invitation, pd 4d2/1 for ale, rained all this night. |
8th. The Wind W. great rains, thunder & Lightning both before and after Day break, the rest of the day fair. The Dean raises new Difficulties, & brings in New Covenants which cannot be complied with, pd Mary Bulkeley 9s. 6d. Eng. pd 13d for a pair of Gloves |
9th. The Wind W. cold and dark. pd. 6d for Ale. |
10th. The Wind S.S.W. raining all the morning, invited to breakfast to Mr. O. Lewis where was conceited Gamboll Mr. Wm. Lewis his Sister & his Wife, dined afterwards with them at Sot's Hole were it cost me 2s Eng. |
11th. The Wind S.E. fair & clear, haveing freezed last night, dined as usuall at Cos. Wm. Parry, & spent all the Day at the Green & in the Register Office, at Night Mr. Parry& I went to meet 2 Gentlemen from Waterford when we were treated with a skinfull of Clarett till past 12, pd. Mary Bulkeley 6s. Eng. |
12th. The Wind E. very cold dry frosty weather, heart Sick to day after Last Night's drinking pd. 3d for ale. |