24th. Llanerchymedd Fair; comonly called ffair Dydd Iau Duw– The Wind N. very calm, and the heat of the Sun more intense than before, pd. Thomas Bryan by the hands of his Apprentice Wm. Parry 3 Guineas, Sent him afterwards 5s to buy me him Some things in Chester, went in the Evening to LLŷnn Cromlech with Dogs & 5 or 6 Neighbours to hunt floppers, or young Wild Ducks, could not take any with the ☞ [this pointing hand symbol is in the margin, pointing at this line sw] Dogs, but I shot one flying — A very remarkeable thing happened to day which for its odness & unnatureallness deserves to be remembred. Dick my Gardiner a day or 2 ago observed a Male Sparrow- Hawk to pursue a bird thro one of the Crevices into the Barn, there, he & another got, surprized & took him, clipped his wings & cut his tallons, & brought him to the house, & I put him in a Cage where he remained a Day or 2 without offering to Eat any thing, and being loath to keep the poor creature to starve & pine away, I brought <him> into the Orchard, & laid him down Just under the tree where he had a Nest & 2 young ones that were pretty big, there I left him, & returning afterwards about 4 or 5 hours to the same place, I found that the Female Hawk had killed him, feathered, & pulled him to pieces, & fed the young ones with his flesh, nothing remaining on ye ground but a heap of feathers, a great many of which lay about the Nest, being carried there with the flesh — A very poor Fair to day at LLanerchmedd — |