November i0th. The Wind E. S.E. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark weather & raining in the morning, & raining very hard in the night: The Priest preached on Phil: chap: 3d. verse 20th |
iith. The Wind E & by S. blowing very moderate, Sun shiny — fair and pleasant all this;^day^ yet it rained exceeding hard for most part of the night. |
i2th. The Wind N. blowing moderate, yet cold, cloudy & dark most part of the day & rained in the night · Pd. 2d. for fish. |
i3th. The Wind S. E. blowing moderate, yet cold, cloudy & dark, made to rain to day, nor I believe in the night : LLanerchymedd Fair – proved but indifferent for Cattle : I sold there a Bull's hide for 2is. 4d.2/1 at 2d.1/4 a pound : pd. Mary Williams the Dairy Maid 24s.wch. with 5s. Pd. her before is in full of her Sumer's [there is a line over the 'm' sw] wages. |
i4th. 10 ● [this is written vertically below 'i4th.' sw] The Wind E.& by N. in the morning, was at N.W. about noon and S.E. before night; blowing moderate, Sun shiny,fair & dry all this day and night . |
i5th. The Wind E. calm and for the most part Sun shiny & fair all day , yet it rained in the night: Pd. 6d.for Postage of Letters, 6d. for bread & Turnips, 2s. to Rhys Bentir for a Side of Mutton& 2s. 4d. to Robert Prichd. of Ty'n y llêch for 2 Bull-rush Bed matrass . |
i6th. The Wind E. calm Sun Shiny, dry, fair & warm all this day_ this being the 5th. of November Old Stile and the day I was Christened(being born Novr. 4th. i69i ) when I enter on the 64th. year of my Age,I pray & beseech the Almighty – & all - Mercifull God to give me his Grace to serve him faithfully all the rest of my days : Pd. 5d. for an Almanack. |
i7th. The Wind E. & by S. very calm & generally Sun shiny, & yet raining almost all the mor^n^ing as it did for the most part of ( if not all)the last^night^: the Evening was dry, but dark, close & heavy weather· |