❍ 12 [this is written in the margin opposite this entry sw] 28th. The Wind W. & raining very hard about 4 in the morning, fair & dry, but very windy from that time till 3 in the Evening when it made a grea[t sw] shower of hail & Sleet, and excessive heavy rain till about sun set; Pd. 3s. 6d. to a Mole Catcher for killing 4 dosen & 8 Moles at 9d. a Dosen. Pd. Mr. Owen LLoyd Coal Meter at Cemaes 11s. 8d. – Duty for my last Coal. |
29th. The Wind W. moderately calm, sun shiny, fair and dry all day, but so immoderately wet that there is neither plowing nor Sowing. |
30th. The Wind N. blowing fresh, but not very cold, sun Shiny & dry all day, my people sowed pease to day in the field behind ferem tho it was very wet, the season being so far spent . LLanerchmedd Market lower to day– than any time this year. Pd. 1s. for 3 watch keys. |
31st. The Wind W. & by S. very high & cold, & rained very hard in the Evening; pd. Thomas the Slater of Cefn Helig 5s. for 7 days he worked here, in ^white^ washing the house, mending the stoves, Ovens &c. gave Mr Williams the Parson of LLanfachreth's Man 6d– [the line is actually under the 'd' sw] who brought here 3 large Mullets & a Lobster. |
April ist. The Wind N. N. E. high & stormy & excessive cold all day accompanyed with frequent showers of hail & sleet . LLanfechell Market aforded to day 3 or 4 poor Carcasses of Lamb & kid frightfull to look at today. I sowed a piece of ground with Parsnip Seeds, being ye fourth time I attempted before, & left of because of the rain · |