February i3th. The Wind W. blowing fresh & cold & for the most part Sun shiny & drying well, yet it made severall show – ers of hail in the Evening . |
i4th. The Wind W. S. W. blowing moderate & for the most part sun – shiny & dry this day, but cold & a great hoar frost this morning |
i5th. The Wind W. & by S. blowing very moderate, yet exceeding cold and raw weather all this day, but continued dry. |
i6th. The Wind S. W. blowing pretty fresh, cold & raw weather, cloudy & dark with some showers of rain, & haveing rained hard last night. |
i7th. The Wind N. W. blowing fresh & very cold with frequent showers of hail in the Evening: Paid Rhŷs Bentir i3s. for a quarter of Beef I bought of him last December, paid him likewis 6s. 6d. for meat had of him since, & is. [9 sw]d. for a quarter of Veal had of him to day: This Day being – appointed by Authority for a publick fast .to implore God's Mercy to this Sin full Nation which is thorowly corrupted in every branch of buisness & overwhelmed in Vices of all sorts at a time of a dangerous war that threatens a totall destruction to our Religion & liberties as a free Nation, yet such is the generall corruption that nothing but venality is to be found in all orders of Men; Divines, Courts of Justice, the Army & Navy insomuch as we are become the contempt & derision of all ye world. |
i8th. The Wind N. & by E. & little of it, yet very cold, & a great deal of snow fell about 9 in the morning but did not continue long on the ground: Pd. 4s. to Edward Dowdal for smoothing the Edges of Spoons that had been made ragged by Servants abuse of them in scrapeing of Pots &c |
i9th. The Wind E. blowing pretty fresh & very cold, & snowing very hard from 9 in the morning till near night: The Curate preached on Hos: Chap: i3th. & verse 9th. & delivered in so unhappy a Manner that I could understand very little of what he Said . |
20th. The Wind E. & by N. blowing fresh & exceeding cold & raw, all the snow being melted the ground is very wet & dirty, it made no rain this day· |
2ist. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate in the morning with no great rain, in the Evening it blew high & rained very hard almost till 7 at night |
22d. The Wind N. and blowing moderate yet very cold raw weather all day, yet generally Sun Shiny with some rain about noon: Paid the Postmaster of LLanerchmedd 4s. 4d. for Letters. |