Janr. 28th. The Wind N.W. a clear. cold day. with some few showers of rain but good drying weather, Winnowed to day 9 peggets of Barley at Coydan, whereof Wm. Mathew had Six, to day begun to thresh the Barley at home, Viz. the Stack next the Barn- |
29th. The Wind W.N.W cold & dry & a sunshiny day. Sold Hugh Prŷs the Shoomaker 6 peggets of Barley for 15s. 6d. a pegget to pay at Gŵyl – Fechell, spend 3s. & 6d. for Ale _to day was ye first time my Fox barked this year. |
30th. The Wind W. a fair clear dry day & clam spent 1s. for Ale – |
31st. The Wind W. a calm dry day, but dark & cloudy all the day – bought of Richard Owen the Butcher a Side of Mutton for 1s. 8d. |
Febr. ist. The Wind N.W. a calm, dark day from Morning to night, with a driveing wet Mist about 12 in the Morning,I reckoned to day 12 lambs at Coydan cast already. |
2d. The Wind N.N.E. a clear, calm day with showers of small warm rain in the morning like ye rain in April, colder in the Evening but still clear and some showers betwixt 3 & 4. the parson preached on John Ch. 13th. vers. 34.th. |
3d. The Wind inconstant varying all day from N. to S.W. a cold raw day, & dark <& cloudy> from Morn to night– |
4th. The Wind West. calm, but dark & cloudy all day. & very cold_ bought of Simon Ballin a Jew, a German by birth, a shagreen Book case, with Silver clasps & verges, Ivory leaves, & vellum_ another Tortois shell case with Ivory Leaves to take short memorandums – clasped with silver, both for a Guinea, bought a Long French knife and Scissars for. 3s. a pair of Pinchbeck mettled knee buckles for 6d. a large silk purse for 2s. 6.d. |
5th. The Wind. W. something high, the sky cloudy, but without rain, onely a shower at ye beginning of the night, the Market at LLannerchymedd much at one, the Rye about il. is. [£1.1.0. sw] a pegget, Pilcorn 18s. Barley from 14. to i6s. a pegget |
6th. The Wind S.S.W. a clear dry day, the Wind very high especially towards night pd Thomas Lewis the Drover 20l. to be returned my Son to London – planted a couple of Fig trees, one by the parlour chimney, the other in the South alley by the – wall., behind the Garden- |