August 26th. The Wind W. very moderate, Sun shiny warm, and dry all day; the buisness that brought me to this Session being to speak to Mr. John LLoyd the Irish man of Hirdrefaig about my Mother's money which he had acknowledged to me the Session before to have received & had promised to come himself to pay it to her, or send it her, haveing spoke to him whether he would pay it,he absol - utely refused, where upon haveing ordered Mr. Ambrose Lewis to sue him for it, that man ( approveing himself a true son of Trysclwyns ) went & told him of it, whereupon he came to my lodg– -ing, & haveing called me out, asked me whether I had given Mr. Ambrose Lewis order to sue him, I answered that my Mother had given such orders in case he did not pay the Money, he then with much fierceness & passion insulted & abused her & me– bauling out & brandishing his Stick with a G–d Damn her & your scoundrely actions, & I do not value or regard your — & hers scoundrely actions, I replied, I hoped he would regard the laws, & so walked in, leaving him raveing for revenge, with his companion, which I took to be John Edmunds of Tregaian. |
This day I sent for Nancy Warmingham 's Children, & their Neighbour's the Priest's Nephews & Nieces, & gave them 6d.apiece (there being 5 of them ) to buy fruit. Sent likewise for Gracy Wright & gave her is. [1/- sw] to buy fruit. pd. likewise for my Man & horses 9s. 4d. & pd. for my meat & drink this day 1s. 6d. & gave 1s. to the Servants, and Set out from Beaumares a quarter after 3, called at Bwlch Gwyn, where I found Old Jonet my ho^a^stes this 30 years past was dead since last February, pd. 3d. for Ale in that place, & was at home before Sun Set afterward very much fatigued, upon my comeing home, I found there a letter from my Daughter Dated ^Augt 17th^ on board the Prince Edward Captain Dawson at High lake, where she had taken Water to go to her Hus –band to Leghorn, promiseing to write to me upon her arrival — there, which may the Almighty God give her health & success to perform. |
27th 8❍ [this is written in the margin below '27th' sw] The Wind N. very calm, but dark cloudy weather all ye morning and most part of the Evening, but was dry all day, and the Sun — Shined very bright from 4 in the Evening till night; Since Iwent from home my day labourers neglected to come to my harvest, So that I am very backward in reaping. |
28th. The Wind N. calm, sun shiny,fair & warm all day; The Priestpreached on James Chap 5th. & the first part of the 12th. vers. |