Febr. 19th. The Wind S.E. very calm, fair and pleasant, it freezed pretty hard last night, my people still carrying Dung at home, and plowing at Coydan. |
20th. The Wind E. blowing high and very cold, & freezing all day. a very poor market at LLanvechell ['ell' in Llanvechell is underlined sw], not one bit of Butcher's meat to day, nor the Market before, some snow still upon the ground – |
21st. The Wind E. blowing high & very cold, my people at the same work all this week, about 10 in the morning it begun to snow and continued without intermission till 11 at Night, if not all night. For |
22d. The Wind E. it snowed long before day, and continued till 3 in ye Evening, melted the snow the rest of the Evening & night. |
23d. The Wind N.E very cold, powring showers of Sleet most part of the Day, Pd. Mr. Owen LLoyd the Tide Officers at Cemmaes 25s. Coal duty, out of which he was to take 4s. 3d. over and above the Duty; which I gave him. |
24th. The Wind N. E. a very cold day but drying & melting the snow all this day, tho there is a great deal of it still unmelted, to day I planted some Garlick & Shallots about 9 at Night, it hailed very hard, & by the Morning the Earth was all white. |
25th. The Wind N.E. very cold haveing freezed last night, it continued dry all day, a very poor Market for flesh at LLanerchmedd, the Barley for 16s. a pegget, Rye for 24s and Pilcorn for 19s. freezed again this Night. |
26th. The Wind S.W. very cold & raw, abundance of Lambs died for Cold & hunger this Month, begun to rain about i in the Evening & rained more or less till night; |
27th. The W. fair calm and Sunshiny day, to day I made the Hot Bed in the new Garden, the Market very poor at LLanfe[chell sw] |