23d. The Wind W. in the Morning calm & Sultry, & raining most part of the Morning, it settled in the N. in the Evening, and blew fresh, & dryed very well, my people most of this day a Stubling of the Corn that had begun to sprout, they reaped a little in the Evening being ii in Number |
24th. The Wind N. clear, sun-shiny & fine drying weather, my people to day employed altogether in binding of Barley & great Oats,(15 in Number) Paid Hugh Wms. the Joyner for 40 days work at 8d a day 1L. 6s. 8d. pd. his Son for 4I days at 8d a day 1L. 7s. 4d. pd. him for his apprentice John ap Wm. Probert for 46 days at 4d. a day 0L. 13s. 8d. [this calculation is wrong: £0.13.8 @ 4d/day would pay for 41 days' work; 46 days' work @ 4d/day is £0.15.4 sw] [there is a drawing of a bird in the margin opposite this line and the next sw] paid him likewise for what he laid out for drops & buttons for my new desqu in the Closet 2s. 2d. paid him also for the Bird's Cage 3s. in all 3L. 12s. 10d. haveing new floored all the Garret above the Hall, made 2 partitions therein, makeing of it thereby 3 rooms. with new doors on each of them, he floored the Garret likewise above the Dairy, made a New Partition betwixt the Dairy Loft and the Closet that is to the West of it, made a Writeing Desk & Drawers to it in the Closet, made severall heights of Shelves about the Closet with other conveniencies for keeping different Papers, made a Table therein, and window boards, and also Window boards in the Room above the dairy – where I intend to lye my self when it is ceiled & plaistered - made a partition in ye Garret above the Dairy, one apartment whereof being for the Gardiner, the Other for keeping of Cheese – made there likewise a locker [Nesta Evans gives 'Cocker' sw] to keep Feathers, made 2 new Sash Windows in the Brewhouse Room, made a box of 24 holes for Pidgeons ,besides severall other small Jobbs in the house. |