August 22d. The Wind W. blowing fresh, clear and generally Sun shiny & drying well all this day: about 3 in the Evening I Set out for LLysdulas in my way to Beaumares Sessions and carryed with me Sixty five pounds 12 shillings in the money came to LLysdulas about 6. where I staid this night · |
23d. The Wind S. and blowing very high, especially in the Evening — about 8 I set out from LLysdulas and was in Beaumares —– about ii; dined at my lodging where I pd. 2s. blew high and stormy all night. |
24th. The Wind S. and blowing moderate, but raining exceeding hard before day, with frequent showers of mizling rain all the morning; the Evening was dry but cloudy & dark, but it rained exceeding hard all, or most part of the night. |
25th. The Wind E. & by S. blowing very moderate, and raining ex - – cessive hard almost all this day and night, with Thunder and – Lightning in the Night: went at night to visit the Sheriff Mr. Charles Evans of Trefeilir where I staid till 3 in the morning gave 2s. in the house : pd. likewise 3s. at my lodging for what I drank there yesterday. |
26th. The Wind E. S. E · blowing moderate and raining hard almost all the morning; pd. 2s. 6d. at my lodging; went to Colefax's house at night to meet the Irishman of Hirdrefaig , expecting to make up matters with him; ^but to no purpose^ the man bringing in a Demand of almost 200L. for the repairs of Berth aur house & the Mill of LLangwnad[l sw] which had been in my Sister ’s possession who was heir at Law severall years before her death : pd. there 6d.for Ale · |
27th. ●12 [this is written vertically in the margin below '27th.' sw]The Wind S. W. blowing very moderate, Sun shiny, fair & dry all day: Pd. Mrs. Jones the Midwife 2L. 2s. owing from my Son to her for Chambers at the Sessions; gave Mr. Thomas Price five pound five shilling to prosecute against [there is a dot over the 's' sw] Wm. Humphrey for arrear[s sw] of rent: gave the Barber is. [1/- sw] Pd. is. 6d. at dinner, 1s. for gloves, is. [1/- sw] to the servants,pd. 10s. 4d. for my man and the horses, and set out from Town about 3, and was at LLysdulas by 6. |