Febr. 26th. The Wind E. blowing fresh & cold, with a hard frost this morning, but not so cold as yesterday my people to day finish plowing for Oats ——— At 4 this morning I got up to look at a Comett that had been observed. by some 5 or 6 days ago: it seemed to be but a small star in magnitude & not bright, was very high in the Arch of heaven, & due East; its tail seemed to be 5 or 6 foot long & ^in^ breadth 10 or 12 inches; & of a pale, wan colour not much differing from the colour of the firmament, & pointed from the star to S.W. & by S. the Sky at the same time was very serene & clear. |
27th. The Wind E. blowing fresh & very cold, & freezing both day & night, tho it is sun-shiny & clear every day: made my hot Bed to day,& planted Garlick in the Vine Border. |
28th. The Wind E. calm, overcast, & cloudy, but cold & raw; no hopes of rain, but pinching frosts every day. Deliv -ered into the hands of Owen Hughes Pedlar 7s. to buy me at Shrewsbury 2 books & some Garden Seeds. |