January 26th. The Wind S.S.W blowing pretty fresh, was generally cloudy and dark, but made no rain this day likewise Planted to day the Liquorice Plants by the wall on the outside of Garden in the South aspect: Gave forty shillings to make up the Poor's money to 50L. which are lent out to [there is a gap here sw] of Keint on a Bond and Judgment executed by him & his Surtey Hugh Hughes of Wigedd, the other i00L. of the poor's money are in the hands of Tho: Williams of Pwll y Gynnau . |
27th. The Wind S. W. blowing high, cloudy and dark weather all day. yet made but little rain .if any . |
28th. ●8 [this is written vertically in the margin below '28th.' sw] The Wind S. S. E. blowing moderate and for the most part Sun- shiny and pleasant, and dry all this day also,but very cold, Paid 4s. for a Garden Spade that was bought for me at Liverpoole. |
29th. The Wind S. blowing high, very cloudy and dark weather and cold with some rain in the morning, but the Evening was dry: Pd. 3s. 6d. for 6 Beehives . |
30th. The Wind S. blowing high, cloudy, and dark weather & very cold all the day; and made some rain in the night. |
3ist. The Wind S. S. W. blowing moderate, some sun shine, but was generally cloudy & dark and rained a great deal this night· |
February the ist. The Wind W. blowing moderate, Sun shiny , fair & clear all this day and drying well. |
2d. The Wind S. blowing fresh, dark, cloudy weather all this day, & made some rain this morning about 7, but the rest of the day was dry |
3d. The Wind W. blowing pretty fresh & generally sun shiny,but dry all this day: My people were all this week plowing· |
4th. The Wind W. S .W. blowing very moderate, & a good deal of Sun shine and dry all this day also. |
5th. The Wind S. W. blowing moderate, cloudy & dark weather & rained a little in the morning , but the rest of the day was generally dry. |
6th. The Wind W. blowing fresh, cloudy and dark weather & drying well all this day. |