June 8th. The Wind S.W. cloudy & dark and very cold about 6 in the morning; cleared up afterwards and grew warmer, made some little rain at 2 different times in ye Morning & in the Evening. |
9th. The Wind N.W. dark & cloudy, and blowing high & very cold, made a great shower of cold rain about 3 in the morning, it continued cold all day, pd. Hugh Jones of Hên blâs alias Trowel segur—– 4s. for half a pegget of Potatoes to plant that I had about May– he [’r sw]eturned me 1s. 6d. for the grass of a Colt for a fortnight at Clygyrog ucha. |
10th. The Wind W.N.W. calm, sun shiny, very warm and fair, all the morning, the Evening grew cloudy dark & cold, & rained about 7 sharply & continued to rain more or less I believe most part of the night. |
iith. The Wind W. very calm & warm all day, especially in the morning and raining a soft small rain till 9 a clock, ye rest of the day Sun-shiny and hott till towards night when it became a little cold The Parson preached a piece of a Sermon (haveing preached the other part he Said before, but when I can't remember ) on Luk. Chap. 10th. vers. 37. dull, dull, dull, – |
12th. The Wind S.W. warm and very fair and a fine dew this morning and continued hot all day; on the fall of night it begun to rain and rained I believe most part of the night; Spent to day in a Cocking at Amlough 3s. 3d. came home before 9. afterwards. |
13th 2● [this is written in the margin below '13th' sw] The Wind S. very dark and cloudy in the morning, and som- thing cold; about 10 it begun to blow, and continued to blow very high all day, a very poor and thin Markett to day — at LLanfechell, and the Butchers meat very ordinary. My people to day are opening of wet ditches haveing done spread -ing the turf. |
14th. The Wind W. clear and dry all this day, and alternately hot and cold severall times of the day, as it has been often this month; My people all this day prepareing , cleaning, andcarrying 40 Peggets of Barley to Croes Fechan yt I had sold William Bevan. |