May 4th. The Wind S.E. dark & cloudy all day & very warm & Sultry, made fine warm rain of three hours continuance from 10 in the Morning till i in the afternoon; pd 7d for Ale at Cemaes. |
5th. The Wind S.W. raining all the Morning till i0 a clock a still warm rain, the rest of the day a still – close warm weather, a poor Market to day at LLanfechell. |
6th. The Wind variable, changing from N in the Morning to S.E before night, the Morning dry, Sun-shiny and pleasant, & the Evening very rainy accompanyed with Thunder & Lightning . |
7th ●5 [this is written vertically below '7th' sw] The Wind changeing all day from S.W. in the morning to E . in the Evening, very warm & clear till near 7 in the Evening when it grew cold & darkened & made Some Little rain. The Parson preached on Exod[: sw] Chap. 20th. vers. 7th. a good Moral discourse, & honest. |
8th. The Wind S.E. dark & cloudy in the Morning with some rain, the Evening Sun–shiny & fair, went to day to see Mr. LLoyd of LLoydiarth who is in a very bad state of health of a Dropsy, staid there this night, haveing Dr. Evans for Company & the young Ladies who were very civill & entertaining. |
9th. The Wind E. a clear fair day, went from LLoydiarth to LLandyfrydog Cocking about 12. Mr LLoyd being pretty hearty to day, haveing come downstairs, & was going on horseback to take the Air; it cost me in this Cocking 1L. 4s. haveing got nothing towards it. went this night to LLysdulas, where the Family were seemingly civill, but never vouchsafed to – ☞ [this symbol is in the margin opposite this line sw] ask for my Daughter . to day H. Wms. & lads begun to work the S[? sw]es &c |