Decr. 16th. The Wind N.E. a dark cloudy day, but drying fast my people all these days a timbering & thatching the Cow-house at Coydan that fell down. |
17th. The Wind N.E. dark & cloudy, & something cold, but calm, a very great Congregation to day at LLanfechell Church, the Parson preached on i. Cor. Chap. 11th. & verses 27th. & 28th. a piece of a Sermon. |
18th. The Wind W. & by N. cold & raw weather, dark & cloudy all day but dry; my people still at Coydan fallowing the Wet places of Cae'r LLorriau. |
19th. The Wind N.E. cold & Sharp, but sun-shiny & clear all day - about 8 I set out for Pont Ryt pont to Join Mr. John Owen Presaddved to hear 3 Informations exhibited by the Custom house officers against persons offending against the cruell & terrible Act against Smugling of the 9th. of Geo. 2d. and the proofs against them not being fully & clearly (considering the terribleness of that Statute & the penalties annexed [there is a + above the first 'n' with its horizental bar extending to the first 'e' sw] to it) we acquitted all three— sent Mr. Lewis Morris by Mr. Hugh LLoyd 20s. to pay for the Beef &c .set out from the Bridge half an hour after 3 & tho I came over the Sands as far as LLanfoorog, yet such was the way from thence home that it was near 7 before I came home. |
20th. The Wind N.W. very cold raw weather & dark, about 12 it begun to rain, & rained hard & very cold till 2; then dry dark & cloudy all the rest of the Evening. |
21st. The Wind N.W. blowing high and very cold all day, but clear & dry, my people begun to day to break up Rhôs y ferem for Oats being sanded this year about half of it . pd. 2s for Carrying a Qtr. of Beef. |
22d. The Wind N. blowing high & very cold all day,a very great Market at LLanfechell,. pd. 6d. for Meat, & pd. John Roberts the Taylor 14s. 6d for Work. my people still at the Same work, & the Gardiner dressing & pruning the trees in the Orchard. |