May 12th. The Wind N.N.W. mightycold weather & scorching ☞ [this pointing hand symbol is in the margin, pointing at this line sw] about 9 this morning, The Fox came home of himself & very honestly went & laid himself down in his old lodging & tho there was at the same time a Hen & Chickens in the Court where his lodge was, yet he past them by & did not meddle with any of them, he was very hungry & lame, by his late Journey, & when meat was given him he fell to it — voraciously – to day The Dairy maid & her maid came home. |
13th. The Wind N.W. in the Morning & very cold, about 7 it made 2 or 3 heavy showers of sleet, hail & rain, which brought it to S.S.E. turned it afterwards to N.E. & settled in N.W. before night. paid Gwen ye Dairy Maid 12s. 6d. wages, haveing had before of Wm. Davies 10s. raind again some small showers, & fair in the Evening – |
14th. The Wind N. & N.W. in the morning, brought it to S.W before night paid Jane Owen her Wages being 2L. & gave her 2s. 6d. as she was a trusty faithfull & honest servant, Ellin uch Richard ap Wm. Pugh Prytherch, Wm Mathew's Wife hired for me this day Margaret Williams in her stead. who lived at Carreg - Lwyd, for 30s. for the half year. gave her 6d Earnest. pd. this day 9d. for Ale –the Market to day at LLanerchmedd very high, the barley from 18s. to 23s. a peggett Wheat from 40 to 44s. a pegget. Rye & Pilcorn from 28 to 32s a pegget |
15th. The Wind S.W. very cold, dark weather. rained briskly & cold about 8 in the Morning, ye Wind came back to N.W. in ye Evening, blew high & was very cold all the Day– put up a Cock to be fed which is to fight ye 2d of June at Tŷ yn y Nant by Traeth Dulas for 2 Silver spoons, -to day. Robt. Prichd. [came home sw] to my Service |
16th. The Wind N.E. & by N. pretty & dark cloudy weather & very cold in the Morning, the Evening serene & calm & moderately warm spent 1[s sw]. for ale– |
17th. The Wind N.W. & W.N.W, blowing high, very cold dark & cloudy with some rain in ye Morning, cleared up afterward, & fair ye rest of ye day to day I sheared my sheep – the Wind at S.W. in the Evening – |