March 12th. The Wind S.S.E. fair calm & pleasant with frequent showers of warm rain, fine growing weather, the Markett at LLanfechell had but poor meat, and little of it, a good deal of Corn in small quantities and Garden Seeds to be sold. |
13th. The Wind S.S.E. very fair <Sun shiny> |
14th. The Wind S.E. fair, pleasant, sun shiny warm day from morn to night. No Sermon to day at LLanfechell, tho there was one due, Every Parson and Curate in this Countrey make good the Old say ing that Priests of all Religion are the same, that is, they have the Like sameness in Pride, ostentation, neglect of Duty & covetousness, No people perhaps more tenacious of their due, & no body more remiss in their Duty. |
15th. ❍ 10 [this is written in the margin immediately below '15th.' sw] The Wind E. a fine clear very warm day, my people employed in plowing & Sowing of Oats yet. this night at ten of the Clock the Moon was totally ecclipsed— |
16th. The Wind E. cold, dry, scorching Wind, Sowed my Onions to day — Mr. Row. Wms. came here to day with a Dun in his Mouth, God help me, & assist me, I had many encouragers to set me on to defend Mrs Hampton's Will. but now when in a streight for money to pay for my folly, no body will give me assistance. |