Novr. 25th. The Wind E. N. E. calm with some sun shine and dry all this day also; pd. Wm. Prichard the weaver 7s. for weav– _ ing 24 yards of Tick, & pd. i0d. for 2 couple of Rabbits . |
26th. The Wind N. E. blowing moderate, but very cold & raw, and made— a heavy shower of sleet & hail in the Evening: A small Fair to day at LLanfechell to what it used to be. |
27th. The Wind N. E. blowing moderate, generally Sun shiny & dry all this day: it freezed a little last night, & a great hoar frost this morning |
28th. The Wind N. E. blowing moderate, Sun Shiny fair &dry this day also and freezed a little last night: Pd. Richard ab Wm. Prichard ab Wm.Pugh 5s. for mak[e sw]ing me a Coat, Waistcoat & breeches: & pd. Richd. Griffith iL. i8s. being his last Sumer's [there is a wavy line over the 'm' sw] wages in full: |
29th. The Wind N.W. blowing moderate, and generally sun shiny, but fair& dry all— this day: Pd. Elin Edward 20s. in full of her Sumer's [there is a wavy line over the 'm' sw] wages, as I did Rob:Owen the shepperd i5s. in full of his Sumer's [there is a wavy line over the 'm' sw] wages. |
30th. The Wind N.E. calm, cloudy and dark weather & very cold all day; but did not make any rain till far in the night, & but a little then . |
December ist. The Wind N.E. blowing very moderate, yet cold and raw weather, but dry all day, onely some little rain in the night. |
2d. The Wind E. and blowing very moderate, some intervals of Sun shine, but fair and dry all this day also: Pd. Mary the Dairy Maid 28s. ye remainder of her Sumer's [there is a line like a 6 on its side over the 'm' sw] wages: and pd. a hard ware Pedlar 5s. for half a Dosen knives & forks, is. 6d. for a plyars & 6d. for a Waist band Buckle. |
3d. ●1[this is written vertically in the margin below '3d.' sw] The Wind N.E. very calm, and generally cloudy and dark weather but not cold, and dry all this day also: Paid William Hughes iL. i4s. 6d. in full of his last Sumer's [there is a wavy line over the 'm' sw] wages· |
4th. The Wind E. calm, fair & pleasant & generally Sun Shiny & dry all this day: Pd. Richard Broadhead by the orders of Hugh Davies 46s. for a pair of Boots & 2 pair of Shoes which I never wore, nor never can: & pd. Wm. Bevan bâch i0s. for labouring work · |
5th. The Wind N.E. calm, cloudy & dark weather all the morning – & till 2 in the Evening when it cleared up : pd. Rhys Bentir 5s. 4d. for meat bought of him this day & this day Senight . & pd him 6s. 6d. more for a quarter of poor Beef for my Servants |